Quick Ship 2022.1 - can we customize tab order on screens?

We are testing Quick Ship 2022.1 and have noticed the tab order on some of the screens don’t feel logical to us. Does anyone know if we can customize them using application studio as we can for other Kinetic screens?

We are using Quick Ship 2022.1 and they are not letting us customize anything. I was hoping the Automation Studio would be able to bring over some fields from Epicor Kinetic Cloud for us to customize our Bill of Lading but haven’t had the time to look into it yet. The person at Quick Ship you want to get a hold of is Dave Peterson. He is their guru. I don’t believe Application Studio can do anything inside of Quick Ship. Good luck with your testing!! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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Thank you Jill! I was thinking that was the case that we can’t customize the screens at this time.
Dave Peterson is awesome. I have talked to him many times in the past.


Slightly off topic, finally met Dave in person at Insights! Of course a customer brought a laptop over to have him fix something for about an hour :rofl:. Super Dave is amazing!


Couldn’t agree more. I have worked with Dave many times over the last 10 years being a Insite Software/Manifest and now Quick Ship user.

Bryan-do you have Quick Ship installed on premise? If so can you tell me what Crystal Reports version you are using if you have modified any of the reports.

we got a couple of issues left that would prevent us from moving from Manifest 4.0.0 to QS 2022.1 that I am hoping to get resolved this week


Kristen, we don’t have it installed here yet. Planning that out soon.