Quote Entry Duplicate Line List View - Paste Update Errors


A subset of quote users need to paste insert a list of lines in list view, included a number UD fields. To keep from having every user personalize their list to accommodate the list of fields being entered or have the other users get the view of the subset, I added another list view sheet and grid bound to QuoteDtl.

When I paste insert any data, even only the first field, I get an error that it’s unable to complete the paste insert. And it locks up the first field of the single row it creates so that I have to delete the line.

I’ve left all the columns in the grid unhidden. Is there a secret?



I’d only show the bare minimum columns - key fields and ones you’re setting.

And as an FYI, some fields in the list display a description, while you need to have the code value in the field. This is for fields like: Prod Group, ShipVia, Terms, etc …

No need to create new view or grid. Base grid can be personalize by every users.
UD fields also be there in base grid in last Columns, We can rearrange as needed for paste insert.

@fakhruddin - I think the issue is that he wants it so that all users have a grid with the same layout, so the procedure to paste external data into the quotes, is common to all users.

Yes, I wanted another screen where the users who need to use the paste insert wouldn’t have to personalize, and the users who don’t use the paste insert wouldn’t have to look at the same arrangement.

I initially hid all the columns they weren’t going to use and then hit the error in the paste insert. Then I unhid them all, thinking I might have hidden a column I needed. But still getting the error.

It’s not the hottest thing on the list, though. Maybe I’ll get back to it.

Thanks, all.
