Quote Expiration

Does Quote Expiration actually stop anyone from using the quote?

What’s everyone’s take on this? Is it just notational and you’re supposed to build your own BPMs and business logic around it? Or… is there any default functionality built in?

I read the application user guide- doesn’t really say much… and there’s not a toggle in company config that says “don’t allow expired quote to order creation” or anything like that around expired quotes.

Was wondering how anyone uses this field in their own org and what BPMs or data directives they’ve put around it.

Thanks in advance for any info on how it works

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from what i can see all it does is set the quote to expired and leaves it open. You could have some tasks setup when it expires to close lose the quote if your using the CRM. But we are not doing that as we will update the quote if it expires and push out that date.


Our thing is, we don’t want people using expired quotes like at all… but that functionality is not at all baked into Epicor.

Correct. Epicor does not have any internal logic (as far as I’ve ever found) that “loses” or “closes” a quote at expiration.

The date there is SUPPOSED to be used as a spur to get the customer to place the order… so essentially it means that if they don’t buy by that date, the price is subject to change.


Thanks for your help Ernie and @Devin.Draeger

Good question and point.

You can actually win a quote (so it is closed and won), and months/years later comeback to the quote and still utilize the “Create Sales Order” functionality from the overflow menu.

A good point that if you want the expiration to actually mean something internally, you’ll have to wire up your own “stops”.

It would be easier and more effective to train people not to use expired quotes, IMO, but maybe we can build something in.


Doesn’t the Process Quote Expiration process mark quotes as lost if they’ve met their expiration date without a sales order drawn down against them?


I didn’t even know there was such a process. Gonna have to look into that one.

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Just ran this process in my Pilot database… didn’t seem to do anything. Process started and ended instantly. Almost seems like its unplugged. I’ll have to explore that more later.

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True, but can you then turn a lost quote into an order? You’re starting to remind me of all the different CRM business rules that exist. Maybe CRM treats the expiration/lost a little different than base Epicor.

Yes… but that does NOT prevent a Sales Order from being created from that quote later on. Epicor will almost ALWAYS let you sell stuff!


@Ernie can you (or anybody) confirm anything happens if you run this process?

Again, it seems to do nothing. No quotes were closed as lost when I run it. Not sure if I’m missing a checkbox somewhere to apply this process or not.

The process runs:

System Monitor shows “COMPLETE”… but doesn’t seem to actually DO anything (impact any records).

It checks the QuoteHed.Expired flag as false or true depending on the condition of the quote, whether it meets expiration or not.


Gotcha! Thanks @utaylor.

Can verify that appears to work at least.

But it does NOT appear to set the quotes as “Lost”.

This, I believe is triggered by the result of the task set. So I guess I may need to find a way to wire that up. Very possible this wasn’t completely set up when we implemented.

Generally speaking, WON/LOST and Expired are flags used in the CRM and Quote processes and have NO out-of-the-box operational logic attached to them. WON tells the Sales Manager that a quote was tuned into a sales order. LOST is TYPICALLY used by a sales manager to indicate that the order was given to a competitor. Expired means the price on the quote can be changed.

Unless you have other customizations in place, NONE of these statuses affect the ability to create a sales order from the quote.


Thanks Ernie!