Quote Worksheet Fields

I think it’s becoming clear that trying to calculate these on the fly isn’t going to work for us.
I think we’ll try the UD field route. Thanks for all the suggestions!

Aaron –

The fields on your quote worksheet are stored in the QuoteQty table (see: QuoteQty.TotalBurCost or the alike field name).

Based upon the quantity selected in the top left grid, the worksheet displays the corresponding total values if Auto Refresh is selected on the Actions menu.

The data that you are seeing in PartTracker is coming from the PartCost table for your Company & Plant settings.

The QuoteDtl table can link the Part referenced on the quote line to the Part Cost table. Confirm the Plant/Site CostID as you could have more than one if you are multi-site/multi-company. Your BPM should be able access both tables.

Hope this helps,

Calvin Dekker


   (630) 672-7688 x1484

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Catch CodaBears Communications!

Hi Mario,

Could you please show how you calculate the labor and burden in the quote worksheet?

Thank you,

Burden Rate * QtyPer * ProdStandard
Labor Rate * QtyPer * ProdStandard

Thank you, Aaron. It works! I got the calculation right.

Where is the labour rate? I couldn’t find it in the mfg worksheet

so the values shown on the quote worksheet are NOT in a table anywhere and the calculations are actually living within the quote worksheet?

I understand how to calculate the values using all the materials and operations but getting a summary for that quote line is not very straightforward

any other suggestions? The embeded SSRS print worksheet function has the data I want but also much more than that, that may be a way but I really want to have a dashboard created within the quote to show the line by line summary cost data

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Getting values from the worksheet is a massive pain.
You’re correct in that they are not stored in the database. Gotta do all of the calculations 9n your own.

You could create an updatable baq then on getlist use the Quote BO to retrieve the worksheet values to populate in the results grid. I’m assuming there’s a method that calculates these worksheet values

This should work post proc get list baq, if you have multiple qty breaks it gets a little more involved

this.CallService<Erp.Contracts.QuoteSvcContract>(svc => {
  foreach (var row in result.Results)
    var ds = svc.GetByID(row.QuoteDtl_QuoteNum);
    row.Calculated_WSMtlCost = ds.QuoteQty.First(q => q.QuoteLine == row.QuoteDtl_QuoteLine).TotalMtlCost;