Random nonsense about grammar and other 💩

Nope, only dogs. Don’t think many cats would last long in my house.

Ya well make that roll holder have a beard with cats I can almost guarantee a floor with unspooled roll lying there for you in the morning :slight_smile:

I have 4 cats. Toilet paper has a beard.

Only had it unrolled twice when they were kittens.

Edit: 4 times, but 2 were my kid.

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LOL Nice

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One other one that drives me nuts is pronouncing the word nuclear. It’s NEW-CLEAR, not NUKE-YOU-LAR! You’d think the talking heads on TV who’s job is pronouncing things for a living would get it right. Or politicians who shouldn’t want to sound dumb (the old adage about keeping your mouth shut, and then people will never know!).

GWB would like to have a word.

They’re just trying to pass the savings onto yoouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

Man Part GIF

What if I say “Grammor”? :smiley:

Y’all are gonna die listening to me talk if y’all come to Insights.

I can speak and type mostly properly, but I sure don’t talk that way :slight_smile:

That’s because you live in the South.

Billy Madison Goo GIF

the big bang theory sheldon GIF

Thats wicked pissah man!

Having grown up in Chelmsford (“Chempsfud”, to the locals), and pahked many a cah in Havahd Yahd, I resemble that remahk.

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I was just glad the thread was getting bumped to hopefully get more votes to the idea. :rofl:

I could care less. :rofl:

Nancy just posted that for the affect.

the sandlot killing me smalls GIF


A old co-worker of mine would always use that line.


Now you’re just trying me…

A “duplex” is the term for a receptacle that can accept 2 plugs.

When a light can be controlled from multiple switches, those switches are “Three-way”. Yes, even when there is only two switches, and each switch only has two possible positions.

And for full clarity, if you want three switches to control a light, you need (2) three-ways, and (1) four-way.


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What if you want two switches to control a light. If one or both are up, then it’s on. Only if both are down is it off?