Rapid SQL Databse Growth - WHY ?!?

Check to make sure your logging is set to 'simple' and dont use the shrink command on a SQL database. It can be detrimental to the DB performance as it creates more file fragments.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "too_much_hg" <neil_willet@...> wrote:
> We are running 8.03.409C on SQL. - In production for about 1.5 years.
> About 60 Vantage and 30 MES users.
> We started out with a database size of about 3GB and it has grown on average of about 1GB per month. I am over 20GB now.
> This seems to be much more growth than one would expect for simple data growth.
> I have done a "Shrink" on the Database but it only yielded about 2GB in the reported DB size and almost no gain in the backup size.
> I suspect that there are tables filling with stuff that I don't need but I don't know where to look or what actions to take to get this situation under control.
> Can someone give me some advice on what to do ?
> Thanks,
> Neil
We are running 8.03.409C on SQL. - In production for about 1.5 years.
About 60 Vantage and 30 MES users.

We started out with a database size of about 3GB and it has grown on average of about 1GB per month. I am over 20GB now.

This seems to be much more growth than one would expect for simple data growth.

I have done a "Shrink" on the Database but it only yielded about 2GB in the reported DB size and almost no gain in the backup size.

I suspect that there are tables filling with stuff that I don't need but I don't know where to look or what actions to take to get this situation under control.

Can someone give me some advice on what to do ?

Not enough information, but are you backing and truncing your log file and what mode si your dB – (that's under the options) Full or simple?
Check the file system – and see what is actually growing - the LDF or MDB file


--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "too_much_hg" <neil_willet@...> wrote:
> We are running 8.03.409C on SQL. - In production for about 1.5 years.
> About 60 Vantage and 30 MES users.
> We started out with a database size of about 3GB and it has grown on average of about 1GB per month. I am over 20GB now.
> This seems to be much more growth than one would expect for simple data growth.
> I have done a "Shrink" on the Database but it only yielded about 2GB in the reported DB size and almost no gain in the backup size.
> I suspect that there are tables filling with stuff that I don't need but I don't know where to look or what actions to take to get this situation under control.
> Can someone give me some advice on what to do ?
> Thanks,
> Neil
I would take a look at the size of your chglog table and see how much
you're consuming there.

If you want a comprehensive report of database table usage, you can
use the following stored procedure to report on the size of each table
in the database you specify. You can put this SP in your Vantage
database, or in any other database (I create a 'DBA' database to hold
this kind of stuff).

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[dba_SpaceUsed] Script Date:
04/18/2011 16:54:21 ******/
CREATE PROC [dbo].[dba_SpaceUsed]

@SourceDB varchar ( 128 ) = null -- Optional database name
-- If omitted, the current database is reported.
, @SortBy char(1) = 'S' -- N for name, S for Size
-- T for table name

/* Returns a table with the space used in all tables of the
* database. It's reported with the schema information unlike
* the system procedure sp_spaceuse.
* sp_spaceused is used to perform the calculations to ensure
* that the numbers match what SQL Server would report.
* Compatible with sQL Server 2000 and 2005
* Example:
exec dbo.dba_SpaceUsed null, 'N'
* (c) Copyright 2007 Andrew Novick http://www.NovickSoftware.com
* This software is provided as is without warrentee of any kind.
* You may use this procedure in any of your SQL Server databases
* including databases that you sell, so long as they contain
* other unrelated database objects. You may not publish this
* procedure either in print or electronically.


DECLARE @sql nvarchar (4000)

SET @SourceDB = DB_NAME () -- The current DB

-- Create and fill a list of the tables in the database.

CREATE TABLE #Tables ( [schema] sysname
, TabName sysname )

SELECT @sql = 'insert #tables ([schema], [TabName])
from ['+ @SourceDB
EXEC (@sql)

-- #TabSpaceTxt Holds the results of sp_spaceused.
-- It Doesn't have Schema Info!
TabName sysname
, [Rows] varchar (11)
, Reserved varchar (18)
, Data varchar (18)
, Index_Size varchar ( 18 )
, Unused varchar ( 18 )

-- The result table, with numeric results and Schema name.
CREATE TABLE #TabSpace ( [Schema] sysname
, TabName sysname
, [Rows] bigint
, ReservedMB numeric(18,3)
, DataMB numeric(18,3)
, Index_SizeMB numeric(18,3)
, UnusedMB numeric(18,3)

DECLARE @Tab sysname -- table name
, @Sch sysname -- owner,schema

FROM #tables

OPEN TableCursor;
FETCH TableCursor into @Sch, @Tab;


SELECT @sql = 'exec [' + @SourceDB
+ ']..sp_executesql N''insert #TabSpaceTxt exec sp_spaceused
+ '''''[' + @Sch + '].[' + @Tab + ']' + '''''''';

Delete from #TabSpaceTxt; -- Stores 1 result at a time
EXEC (@sql);

, [TabName]
, convert(bigint, rows)
, convert(numeric(18,3), convert(numeric(18,3),
left(reserved, len(reserved)-3)) / 1024.0)
, convert(numeric(18,3), convert(numeric(18,3),
left(data, len(data)-3)) / 1024.0) DataMB
, convert(numeric(18,3), convert(numeric(18,3),
left(index_size, len(index_size)-3)) / 1024.0)
, convert(numeric(18,3), convert(numeric(18,3),
left(unused, len([Unused])-3)) / 1024.0)
FROM #TabSpaceTxt;

FETCH TableCursor into @Sch, @Tab;

CLOSE TableCursor;

-- Caller specifies sort, Default is size
IF @SortBy = 'N' -- Use Schema then Table Name
ORDER BY [Schema] asc, [TabName] asc
ELSE IF @SortBy = 'T' -- Table name, then schema
ORDER BY [TabName] asc, [Schema] asc
ELSE -- S, NULL, or whatever get's the default
ORDER BY ReservedMB desc


-----Original Message-----
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of too_much_hg
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 3:00 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Rapid SQL Databse Growth - WHY ?!?

We are running 8.03.409C on SQL. - In production for about 1.5 years.
About 60 Vantage and 30 MES users.

We started out with a database size of about 3GB and it has grown on
average of about 1GB per month. I am over 20GB now.

This seems to be much more growth than one would expect for simple data

I have done a "Shrink" on the Database but it only yielded about 2GB in
the reported DB size and almost no gain in the backup size.

I suspect that there are tables filling with stuff that I don't need but
I don't know where to look or what actions to take to get this situation
under control.

Can someone give me some advice on what to do ?



Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
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http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/linksYahoo! Groups Links
My first instinct is to check your Change Logs and what you have setup in
them, that is normally what I find to be the cause of rapid growth like that
unless you are really creating a lot of new items, like Parts or
Orders(congrats if so).

You can either go into the SQL Management Studio and open up the DB\Tables
and look at the table named dbo.chglog and see what the size is currently. I
know this works in SQL 2008, and I am pretty sure it works in 2005 as well,
but not totally sure since I have no access to an SQL 2005 server at the

The alternative would be to do a backup and restore to your pilot or test DB
and then go into vantage, to the utilities menu, and then find the Database
Purge and Summarize utility, run that to purge out the change logs, then
shrink your DB and see what impact that had.

If there is a significant amount of space used up by the Change Logs, then
you might want to look into changing what you log in them, unfortunately I
forget off the top of my head how to change that, but I am sure there is
someone here who knows off the top of their heads.

-----Original Message-----
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 3:00 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Rapid SQL Databse Growth - WHY ?!?

We are running 8.03.409C on SQL. - In production for about 1.5 years.
About 60 Vantage and 30 MES users.

We started out with a database size of about 3GB and it has grown on average
of about 1GB per month. I am over 20GB now.

This seems to be much more growth than one would expect for simple data

I have done a "Shrink" on the Database but it only yielded about 2GB in the
reported DB size and almost no gain in the backup size.

I suspect that there are tables filling with stuff that I don't need but I
don't know where to look or what actions to take to get this situation under

Can someone give me some advice on what to do ?



Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/linksYahoo! Groups Links