Raw material question

I need some guidance here in regards to part maintenance concerning raw materials that are purchased to create other raw material inventory items to be used in manufacturing. I have some roll stocks that we convert down to sheets. Those sheets currently have set minimums and maximums and so do the rolls. However, when we buy the rolls, we sheet them all down so there is almost always zero on hand at some point. I don’t want EPICOR to trigger a suggestion until we get to the minimum on the sheets and EPICOR triggers a requirement to sheet more material. How do I get that to work with a zero on hand on the roll inventory parts? Is it as simple as it sounds? When the sheet part is at or below minimum with any generated demand that would create a demand for the roll making the on hand quantity with demand below zero?

Hi @VTPURCHASING, is the purchased raw material rolls converted to the sheet raw materials pretty quick and only used for that purpose? Also, do you have a safety stock figure inputted on Part Maintenance?

You shouldn’t have a minimum on your rolls if you don’t want them in stock. If your setup isn’t matching your reality, the system isn’t going to do what you want. It will do what you tell it to.

That’s correct. Just make sure you have your lead times set up correctly so that you get the suggestions in time to do what you need it to do.

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Thanks for the information. So backstory here if you will. The rolls are a new part for us. We used to buy this material already sheeted down. Now we have to buy rolls and then sheet them down, so this is new. We have other parts similar to this but we keep stock on those. I’ll adjust based on this information and see if this works. Again, thanks for the feedback.


New processes can be tough. You’re going to have jobs to convert the rolls into sheets right?

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Depending on the time consumed to convert them to sheets you can always use the Kanban Receipts screen to save some time rather than using quantity adjustments. We have a range of parts where the Start/End Activity, Issuing & Receipting take longer than the job itself so we use Kanban Receipts to fast track some parts. May be useful for you.

That will be the intent once we get the machine here to do the actual action, yes. It is the only way to properly capture labor and material costs based on my knowledge of EPICOR.

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