Read Only SO Entry - Allow Document Upload

I would like to have a few people be able to attach documents to the sales order without having the ability to edit any of the data. I know you can’t add documents from a tracker.

Does anyone have an easy way to accomplish this? Or do I need to get granular with the field security or a BPM to make it happen?

@Mark_Wonsil You mentioned doing something similar in the below post and I was hoping it would be as easy as making a new menu item for sales order entry and checking read-only on the menu item but that didn’t allow updated.

Add Attachments in Tracker View

Do they need full access to the order (meaning able to see all the fields on all the tabs) ??

If not, you could make a Customization of Order Entry, and use the Extended Properties wizard to make all the fields R/O.

They would only need write access to the attachment tables and the rest could be read only. Ideally, it would be the order tracker but you can attach documents.

I could do that with extended properties but there are 100s of fields so I was hoping to avoid it if someone had a better way to do it.

That’s why I asked if they needed to see all the fields normally on a Tracker. If not, just make a bare bones version of Order Entry (hiding all sheets but the Summary sheet). Then only a dozen or so fields to address.