Ready To Fulfill - New Functionality?

Utah, thought you might like some clarification on this issue. “Ready to Process” has never been related to only sales taxes. When it was introduced more than a decade ago, it superseded the “Ready to Calculate” functionality (which was related to only sales taxes) and added control of some other functionality (e.g. bookings, as Mark mentioned). If you want more details, then check out KB0029122 and/or KB0031068.

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If you intend to use “Ready to Fulfill” for Fulfillment Workbench, don’t forget to review the site config AMM tab, that checkbox to “Require Ready to Fulfill” can add power and flexibility to your use of Fulfillment WB. This Site Config checkbox makes it so that only Sales Orders with Ready to Fulfill" checkbox checked appear on the Fulfillment WB. Depending on your business model, not all orders may need to go through Fulfillment WB. This can reduce the amount of content and potential noise on the WB.

I’m actually surprised that they don’t just add ReadyToFulfill as a criteria in the fulfillment workbench search, best of both worlds.