I apologize. I trust and respect the expertise and experience of all the users. We can only hope we get to the level of many of the user group members. While we're trying to learn anyone who has a recommendation can email me directly at emverbeke@.... We are located in Albion, MI (hour south of Lansing) but close proximity is not a requirement.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Mark Wonsil <mark_wonsil@...> wrote:
> Emily asks:
> > Does anyone have any recommendations for independent contractors that can do some report writing for us and help trouble shoot some issues we're running in to with Epicor 9. We might also need them for additional utilization ideas for how we could be using the software better. Thank you in advance for your recommendations.
> >
> Just a friendly reminder in case there are new members: It's OK to ask
> for 3rd party recommendations but the replies must be offlist. There
> is a strict policy against advertising consultants/contractors and
> doing so can get them (or you) thrown off the list. One vendor was
> removed just a few months ago, so if you like someone then say so,
> just not on the list.
> Thanks!
> Mark W.
> P.S. I am NOT the list admin but I'd hate to lose anyone from the list.