Record Not Available when trying to StageShipConfirm a Master Pack

Release 10.2.400.21

Hello and Happy Friday all,

Error: Record Not Available

Business Layer Exception

Record Not Available.

Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel

Error Detail

Description: Record Not Available.
Program: Erp.Services.BO.CustShip.dll
Method: CheckPackageCodeAllocNegQty
Line Number: 38104
Column Number: 29

Client Stack Trace

at Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase`1.ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException(Exception ex, DataSet[] dataSets)
at Erp.Proxy.BO.CustShipImpl.CheckPackageCodeAllocNegQty(String ipcalledFrom, IList ipPackNumList, String ipPkgCode, Int32 ipPkgCodeQty, String& opWarning, String& opAction, String& opAllocWarning, String& opAllocAction)
at Erp.Adapters.CustShipAdapter.CheckPackageCodeAllocNegQty(String ipCalledFrom, IList ipPackList, String ipPkgCode, Int32 ipPkgQty, String& opWarning, String& opAction, String& opAllocWarning, String& opAllocAction)

Procedure leading to issue:
We pick our orders via ERP Mobile Whse on a tablet into PCIDs.
The PCIDs are then moved into Packs. (Customer Shipment Entry)
If we have multiple Packs we put those into a Master Pack.
We enable “Freight Pack ID’s Individually” on the Master Pack.

After all the Packs have been freighted we go to Stage Ship Confirm, select the Master Pack > Actions > Ship Confirm. This is where we get the error.

This seems to be random, at least I cannot find a pattern or common denominator. It may happen twice a day or once in 2 months. I’m stumped and have hit a block wall with EpicCare. This is causing issues downstream so I need to get it resolved. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Since it is throwing the error in “CheckPackageCodeAllocNegQty”, have you double checked things related to Qty’s?

Does anything show up when you run “Refresh Part Qty’s and Allocations”
(it is in System Mngmnt -> Rebuild Processes -> Mfg / Distribution)

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