Refresh Embedded Dashboard

Continuing the discussion from Refresh Embedded Dashboard on Form Event:

Has anyone figured out a way to refresh an embedded dashboard?

If this is just a dashboard displaying data (not updateable)
I’m wondering if you could use a BAQDataView instead?
Ref: Dynamic Query After field Change - #2 by bordway

The benefit of using an embedded dashboard that publishes to UI was ease of updatability from entry fields outside of the grid without needing any code. The only downside is the user has to click the dashboard’s refresh button to see their changes in the grid.

Yeah, I used to like embedded dashboards for the same reason but…
I have for the most part started using BAQDataViews - avoids the refresh issues & user “feedback”.

Yea I’ve noticed I rely on those kinds of workarounds a lot so I wanted to try utilizing the tools epicor offers more often.
My biggest curiosity is how embedded dashboards fair when upgrading to kinetic. I assumed it would be better than a bunch of custom code but I suppose I don’t really know.