Hello I inherited a client and we missed a critical backup on the openedge 10.2a middleware component server for for epicor 905 test. This server had a critical failure and needs to be rebuilt.
I have access to the production server but its throwing AppServer not licensed for container on all the resources. in openedge 10.2a
This server does seem to be working for the production clients.
However in this state i’m not sure how to add the test database. Actually even in a working state i’m not sure how to operate OE.
Is there a how-to guide on reinstalling this stuff? Does the test edition needs its own epicor 905 share on this server or just a msgsys file pointing to it?
Here are some things from my Progress Days. Don’t know if they will help or not. I will look through some other files and see what I can find. It has been a long time since I did a reinstall of Epicor 9. I did put my test server on a different server. They do not recommend that they live on the same server.
Let me know if you have other questions and I can try to help.
We got our Epicor 9/SQL/Progress Epicor CD/DVD if I remember, and a nice piece of paper with license codes on it…Was a very long time ago since I did any of that stuff.
I do think that they also had downloads on EpicWeb as well.
I think the license codes are stored in the progress config file or in the registry. If you have a running instance you might be able to find them some where.
I might be able to get access to an V6 system and check where the codes are located.
I still have my CDs and then there are a ton of downloads. I think you have to contact your CAM to get access to the Epicor 9 downloads now. Our license codes were provided on a sheet of paper when we got all the install items a very long time ago.