one thing to consider for the patches would be
to burn them to CD and distribute them to your remote
sites, and then select a specific date to perform the
I know this subject has come up in the past, but most of what I have saved
is more for either a single user dial-up, or multiple users at a branch
location. Here's my problem.
We are proposing the addition of a part salesman at a remote location. This
person would need access to Vantage and probably corporate e-mail (Exchange)
as well plus the ability to print locally. The solution would also need to
be expandable in case additional bodies are added to the remote location.
Currently we are using PC Anywhere for our remote users that are just an
occasional dial-up to check a part or stock status. We have no VPN setup
and use a 256k FT1 for internet connectivity. I'm assuming the remote
location will have some kind of broadband access like DSL or cable.
Anybody have any suggestions? Will I need VPN or some other way through my
firewall in order to use something like PC Anywhere or VNC for the single
user with the possibility of Citrix later? Should I just bite the bullet
and do Citrix. Cost isn't the issue so much as having a good, reliable
solution that will give acceptable performance. Unfortunately my networking
knowledge pretty much stops at the router.
I have a similar setup. I have installed the progress/vantage
System on my desktop at home. Install just like you are installing
On your production server (client networking, report builder, query/RESULTS,
ProVISION (if you purchased it). Everything except the Enterprise DB.
Install all patches to bring you up to your corrent Progress patch level.
Install Vantage (all modules you have purchased) and bring up to
Current patch level.
Run the VantageClientSetUp from your local machine. Install the
Components you want to run from your remote site (report builder,
Training etc). When you get the the dbserver, point to your Vantage
Server. If you have WINS installed, you can supply the server name,
Otherwise you will need the IP number. Everytime you update a patch
Level on your production server, you will have to do it on your remote
System as well, they have to be in sync.
Response time for me are 40 seconds to log into Vantage. Once in,
Response times are about 3 seconds.
Let me know if you need any further information. I'll supply what
I can.
Thanks for the response. The solution you said is not really going to work
for me. The remote site is going to be several states away which would make
it very difficult when applying patches and version upgrades. I've tried
this a few years ago with our in-house parts salesman and a laptop he used
at home for weekend emergencies. Performance was slow with a 14.4 modem,
but updates were definitely a pain. I will need some other type of remote
access solution.
How do you get from you home machine into your corporate network? VPN?
This is really my main concern - will I have to purchase more equipment and