Make sure you’re in the right database (not Master)
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Turgeon, Bill
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Remote restart of appserver
When I copy, paste, and run this query, I get an error “Invalid object name ‘pub.systask’
From: <> [mailto: <> ] On Behalf Of Vic Drecchio
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:43 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Remote restart of appserver
Have you seen the Epicor SQL Tuning document? Have you went through that already? If not let me know and I’ll dig out the docs.
Here’s my SQL Query that looks at SysTask. Perhaps seeing what is ACTIVE at the time of the CPU peaking may provide a clue.
top 500
S.systasknum as 'TaskID',
S.startdate as 'Date',
RIGHT('00' + CAST(cast((S.STARTTIME/60/60) as INT) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + ':' +
RIGHT('00' + CAST(cast((S.starttime - (cast((S.STARTTIME/60/60) as INT))*60*60)/60 AS INT) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + ':' +
RIGHT('00' + CAST(S.STARTTIME - ((cast((S.STARTTIME/60/60) as INT) *60*60) + (cast((starttime - (cast((S.STARTTIME/60/60) as INT))*60*60)/60 AS INT) * 60)) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) AS 'StartTime',
RIGHT('00' + CAST(cast((S.ENDTIME/60/60) as INT) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + ':' +
RIGHT('00' + CAST(cast((S.ENDTIME - (cast((S.ENDTIME/60/60) as INT))*60*60)/60 AS INT) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + ':' +
RIGHT('00' + CAST(S.ENDTIME - ((cast((S.ENDTIME/60/60) as INT) *60*60) + (cast((ENDtime - (cast((S.ENDTIME/60/60) as INT))*60*60)/60 AS INT) * 60)) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) AS 'EndTime',
S.endtime - S.starttime as 'SecsElapsed',
UPPER(S.taskdescription) as 'Task',
S.taskstatus as 'Status',
Upper(S.submituser) as 'UserID',
UPPER(U.NAME) AS 'UserName',
s.activitymsg as 'Comment'
from pub.systask S
order by s.systasknum desc
From: <> <> [mailto: <> <> ] On Behalf Of Tony Hughes
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 11:22 AM
To: <> <>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Remote restart of appserver
Hello Vic, thank you for the reply.
We're SQL back end, so any query you have would be appreciated. Is it systask table? I have been wondering how useful that table is for this.
We're not currently running MRP, and Capture COS hasn't been run today (has not been run since last week).
We use very few BAQs, I personally can't stand them for many reasons, and so don't create any.
But we have a couple. Does systask record when they are used?
This happens about once every month. The calls we get are that Vantage is unresponsive. Click and wait, wait, wait...
Eventually people will be dropped and receive 4GL and/or 7### error codes.
Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
From: Vic Drecchio <
vic.drecchio@... <> <> <> >
To: <> <> <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Remote restart of appserver
You can install Progress Explorer Tool on any client. I restart my
appservers on a client PC when I do maintenance.
Obviously what you're experiencing is not normal. My first thought on why
your CPU is pegged out on the server is due to a bad BAQ being run
somewhere. That's the only scenario where I've seen that symptom. When you
restart the appserver, do you get a phone call from anyone saying "Hey, I
was in the middle of xxxx and the system crashed" ? MRP, Capture COS/WIP?
I'd find the culprit fast otherwise you could realistically get major data
If you happen to be a SQL site let me know and I share a query that shows
you everything in the system monitor so perhaps you can see what
report/baq/process may be active when your CPU gets pegged.
From: <> <> <> [mailto: <> <> <> ] On Behalf Of
Tony Hughes
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 10:27 AM
To: <> <> <>
Subject: [Vantage] Remote restart of appserver
Good morning,
We use Vantage 8.03.
Occasionally CPU is pegged at 100% on the Vantage application server, and
until I figure out what is causing it, I have no choice but to stop and
restart the main appserver, which immediately returns things to normal.
Problem is that because the server is at 100% CPU it can be very slow to
Is there any way to get the broker PID of the appserver remotely, then I
could do rkill on it?
If anyone has any other suggestions as far as figuring out what is causing
the CPU to lock hit 100%, I'd also appreciate any help with that issue.
Anthony Hughes
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