Hi all,
We’ve changed all our part classes and reassigned them to the relevant parts. To keep things tidy I would now like to delete the old part classes which we no longer use. I’ve made sure all parts, even inactive parts, and any open purchase order lines do not have the old part classes but it still won’t let me delete them. I believe this is because there are closed POs which contain lines with the old part classes. There’s tons of these so manually changing isn’t an option but I was hoping to reopen the relevant POs, Unapprove, Change part class, approve and then close the POs all via DMT. However, I can’t seem to reopen the POs via DMT. There is a column heading called ReopenOrder on PO header but it doesn’t seem to work.
Any ideas? - DMT does seem a black art at times with functionality not quite working as it should.