Report builder and fiscal periods

I'm writing a report to pick up the dollar amounts of logged invoices in the
creditors system. The standard procedure is when an invoice comes in it is
logged and then match to the PO and Invoice and posted. With the matching
delays it causes me some problems and would like to be able to see how we
are traveling in the expenditure department on a daily bases instead of the
last week of the month when everything in processed.

I have extracted the data I need but am tiring to separate the amounts in to
fiscal periods. E.G. I might have one invoice with June date and another
with July's I want to separate them with an IF statement like IIf
InvcHead.FiscalPeriod=CURRENT,APinvhed.DocInvoice Vendor amt,0). I am having
problem defining the CURRENT period.

an Idea's please!!!!!!!!

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