Here's a couple of options:
1. Put a copy of the vantage.ini file on the workstations where you want to
have their own report builder "memory". The 'gotcha' here is that if any
issues ever arise, you have to remember that you have a local vantage.ini on
these workstations.
2. Create a Mexico version of both the vantage.ini AND the vantage.vtg. The
vantage.vtg contains the path to the vantage.ini. You should match the path
to the Mexico version of the vantage.ini file. Then all of your Mexico
workstations can simply call the Mexico version of the vantage.vtg file.
I like option 2 better because, when you are supporting these workstations
months from now it will be more obvious that you are calling a separate .vtg
file than it will be that you have a local copy of the .ini file. You'll
decrease your chances that you'll forget about it.
Does that make sense?
Jonathan Tompkins
1. Put a copy of the vantage.ini file on the workstations where you want to
have their own report builder "memory". The 'gotcha' here is that if any
issues ever arise, you have to remember that you have a local vantage.ini on
these workstations.
2. Create a Mexico version of both the vantage.ini AND the vantage.vtg. The
vantage.vtg contains the path to the vantage.ini. You should match the path
to the Mexico version of the vantage.ini file. Then all of your Mexico
workstations can simply call the Mexico version of the vantage.vtg file.
I like option 2 better because, when you are supporting these workstations
months from now it will be more obvious that you are calling a separate .vtg
file than it will be that you have a local copy of the .ini file. You'll
decrease your chances that you'll forget about it.
Does that make sense?
Jonathan Tompkins
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dunn, Nancy [SMTP:ndunn@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 10:12 AM
> To: Vantage Onelist (E-mail)
> Subject: [Vantage] Report builder - Directories (Ver4)
> This is a little annoyance that I have been wondering about.
> When someone uses a report in Report Builder, Report Builder remembers
> that
> File Folder, Library, and Report, so the next person, when they go into
> Report Builder, has that selection come up as a default starting place.
> I am planning on setting up a different File Folder, Libraries, and
> Reports
> for our Mexico Office (we are using Citrix). It worries me that a user at
> the home office could be pointed at the Mexico reports, and vise-versa
> depending on who used a report last. Is there any way to set a default
> starting place by PC or user for Report Builder reports, so users don't
> have
> to remember to watch were they are opening reports from?
> Thanks for the help.
> Nancy Dunn
> Winco Ind. Inc
> ndunn@...
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