ReportParam in SSRS

I have a comment field on our Edit: MtlTags—Print Tags— that is bound to EpiBinding-> ReportParams.TaskNote

I want to bring this field into the SSRS report we generate, but when I go under our RDD for this RSS, the ReportParams table does not show up in the search box for the Schema Table. I’m guessing this isn’t a real table but surely there’s a way to pass this field through scripting or such.

I don’t mind how I have to bring it in, I basically want a field at some point where the user can write a comment that will get passed through to the SSRS report and printed on our tag. Any ideas?


That example actually adds fields that filter the data retrived by the RDL. You only need to include the CallContext table.

Basically 2 setps:

  1. Customize the form and and a text box bound to CallContextBPMData.Character01

  2. Then in the RDL, add to the dataset’s query expression:
    + " JOIN CallContextBPMData_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T2"
    And add the Character01 query field to the dataset.

I do see that in the RDD “Print Tags” that there are a few of the “Character” fields and also a TagNote field - for me they are marked as Excluded, but I suppose they could be changed. Are these usable?

I suppose then, you would be actually saving the data and you are just looking to pass a note from a report form into the output of the report, if I understand correctly.

It is interesting that Print Sheets uses the RptParameter DataSet?
Is there a way that this can be used @ckrusen?

I’m not sure … One thing I’ve learned, is that the dataset name from an RDD, isn’t always what it appears to be. Those fields listed under RptParameter look more like the parameters for the particular Cycle Count in process, than parameters used by the reporting function (info passed on to the task agent like Task Desc, Archive, Style Num, etc …).

But now that I think about it, I have a report that uses the StyleNum as a parameter (Style 1001 only prints inventor for site ‘CHAL’, 1002 for site ‘GUTH’, etc …). So obviously the report has access to those parameters.


Turns out that report used the ReportName (from the report RDL soecified in the Report Style), and not the actual StyleNum. It worked because ReportName is a global variable.

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Edit: MtlTags not Print Tags* Sorry, this is my first time messing with SSRS reports. So when I go to upload the SSRS report, I get this error:

The Value expression for the text box ‘Textbox5’ refers to the field ‘Character01’. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current dataset scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified dataset scope. Letters in the names of fields must use the correct case.

You should add the + " JOIN ...." stuff to dataset MtlTags. Note that the table name may need to change to the next available “T” number.

Thank you all for the help. I had to add it in as a table instead of using JOIN since there was no field I really had a match for the join. The FROM area of the string/sql code ended up as:

Edit: It does work. Thanks again.

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