Reports in ECM 23.2.84

We are testing 23.2.84 and just turned on Reports for the first time ever. We don’t even have it enabled/installed in our Live environment (20.2)

We worked a bit with Epicare but nothing seems to be set up incorrectly.

Any ideas? We did modify web.config for that one line that is needed.


Did you set it up in the client on the server?

Since v22.2 there are now Reports and Legacy Reports. As far as I am aware, there shouldn’t be anything to modify in any .config file to get the Reports functionality to work.

For Reports:
For OnPrem implementations, you need to run the ECM installer again and select the option on the last page to install reporting.

For cloud implementations, you need to click the button for the Epicor team to enable and install them within your environment.

For Legacy Reports:
For OnPrem implementations, you need to install them via the ECM Client, as @Anthony_Gercar as mentioned.

For cloud implementation, legacy reports are no longer available to the best of my knowledge, although perhaps they are also available via the ECM Client.

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We installed it from the ECM installer as Epicor instructed us.

After we tried (and failed) I found this document which is exactly what we did except #4 gives us an error.

SO, i answered my own question by reading this document! I changed the IIS identity from ApplicationPoolIdententity to the user. IT WORKED!!!

Well done! This is good information to know.

I would have expected a 403 or 404 error. Not 500.

How about an error that says “Go and check your application pool identity!”

Has anyone done any work on Exago report? I am struggling big time to get the Custom Field out…

Your question will be more visible and you will likely get more responses if you post this as a separate question.

Hi, I don’t know if you posted this on a separate thread but I’ve had fun and games with custom fields so happy to help if I can.



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