I am wanting to implement a request ticket system for Epicor requests. Is anyone doing htis? If so, how are you doing this? Pros/cons
As in for changes to Epicor like IT style tickets, or you talking more like the maintenance module?
We do this. We have an internal Epicor support desk. Users either fill out a form on our intranet or can email the ticket system.
IT style. What does the Maintenance module have for this, curious now.
Maintenance module you could shoe horn into working for this if you wanted but I wouldn’t recommend it. We use Jira/Confluence and I would make the decisions all day every day. Love it. Con steep learning curve on setup. Pro user adoption is easy and customizability is highly accessible.
If you own the CRM Case Module, that would work better than the Maintenance module. The Case tracking system also helps build a Knowledge Base too.
Jira has a ticket system that sits in front of its Agile tracking system.
We use something called OneDesk, which I never heard of before coming here, but its constantly being improved and priced well.
There are many, many more. To me, it is a far better value for IT to work on the Epicor backlog than to write a ticket system.
WE have the CRM module within Epicor, not sure about case though.
In the end, I want something management, mostly, can enter int their issues and requests. As all of us know, we get so many every day that writing them down means something is going ot fall through the cracks. Making it digital and always in front of you means better chance of not falling through.
I’ve tried Case Mgmt (@Mark_Wonsil) and it’s workable, I was actually surprised. The hard part was getting users to use it.
Some nice IT Help Desk solutions:
- Spiceworks (free option)
- LANSweeper
- FreshDesk
- Samanage (now SolarWinds Serice Desk)
If you have M365/O365 I’ve seen where MS Teams has been used with Planner that everyone has access to to submit Planner Tasks. I think it’s messy but it’s an option.
Also if you hav M365/O365 there a PowerApp Template for creating your own IT Ticket System. Very basic but slick.
We don’t use Jira here but wish we did. Would recommend it every day all day.
We use MicroFocus ServiceDesk (formely Novell ) Works great ! I am sure any of those helpdesk apps would work. Some are more complex to setup and use than others…
yep we are one of the few using Novell!!!
I like Case Management for tracking changes. It’s also using for change control process for business as well with approvals process .
We use “Requests” in Wrike. So it’s not just Epicor, but rather a single source our users can go to report issues. We have a drop down for “Area” and if the user chooses “Epicor” then the Wrike task is assigned to me.
We use Service-Now. But the software doesn’t matter if you don’t have a process… Get familiar with ITIL Foundations, SCRUM Perhaps and have release cycles… Then you can get Enhancement Requests in Word.