Requisition Entry Notify Upon Receipt Help

I’m currently tracing the Notify Upon Receipt checkbox on Requisition Entry.


Currently, no notifications are being raised from this checkbox. I have gone through Req Entry, New PO Suggestions, PO Entry, and Receipt entry to see the functionality of this box. I would like to know if anyone else is using this functionality and if they had to do anything specific to get it working. If not I’ll plan on making a BPM instead.

Seeing this too.

If the check box is selected, when the material is received, a material received message appears in the Notes section of the selected requestor’s To Do list. To view the message, the requestor must click Actions > To Do List in Requisition Entry. The message displays the receipt date, the user who received the material, the part number and a description of the received part.

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Thank you so much for that info.
We have a few Requisitions in our test db that are in various stages of the process but every single one has the To Do List grey out.

I can’t seem to get it to activate.

It may be that the user does not have anything in their To Do list.
To be sure you can query the table ReqLog

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Thank you so much for your help!