Requisition set up

Looking for some guidance on setting this up and using requisitions, I can’t seem to find anything in education, anyone have any info?

Confused here @andywhalley,

Your profile says Precise Business solutions… One of their products is advanced requesition manage…

Just because they own it, that doesn’t mean the customer wants to pay for it. :laughing:

What exactly do you need help with? My guess would be the approval process, but want to make sure.

For 2023.2, the Purchasing User Guide (available on EpicWeb) has a “chapter” on the process.


I was eluding to the fact that @andywhalley profile is PBS…Partners have a huge wealth of info at their fingertips…That search dialog in Epicweb is a good resources…

But all good… @Ernie is right the PO guide is the one. Even some of the earlier versions… Noticing on @andywhalley is on 10.2.400 and if he has an education licence then the course PDFs are there in the install.

I was not aware, but it makes sense now that you say it.

Thanks for the PDF, I will have a read.
I think my mistake was to narrow my search to just requisitions.