Reset "Report submitted for ..." on report windows' status bar

After you click print or preview, the status bar displays:


It would be nice if that reset to:


after any of the fields on the report window were changed.

And maybe have it reset after 15 seconds or so.

Or do away with the status, and inform the user with a pop-up window telling them it’s been submitted. The pop-up could ask if they are done printing. If they click yes, it closes the pop-up and the report options window. Select no return to the report options window, leaving all selections as they were.

You can change your settings in the task agent to give you pop-ups for statuses on reports and processes. That helps a lot. I would agree though, that if the submitted status could change back when it’s no longer in process, that would be helpful too.

I have them turned on.

But what I really want that status message updated for is when I’m running the same report several ways. I set options, click preview, change options, click preview, change options, change options, … wait… did I click preview since the last changes?

It doesn’t help that it takes a good 15 to 20 seconds for the previews to appear. So you don’t know which set of options this preview that just appeared was for.

But if it doesn’t change until it’s done, that doesn’t help you. If it changes after a set amount of time, what happens if you walk away and come back, you don’t know if you hit the button or not…

The system monitor has all of the active tasks in process and the history of the reports you ran.

I would include System Task status in the proposed notification system. :smirk:

maybe just a grid view in the bottom of the print pages that showed the system monitor information would be better. Just filtered by the report you are running. One window for active, one for history.

It’s not as much that I want to know the status, I want to know if the settings selected are what was used on the last submission.

oh, your original suggestion doesn’t solve that problem.

Yes it would. If any of the setting fields were changed after a reprot was submitted, the status bar would change from “Report submitted…” to “Ready” (meaning this combination of selections has not been submitted). I’m willing to accept that changing a field after submitting, and then changing it back, would look like it is a “new” combo of settings.

ah, I see. I got distracted by the rest of the statement with the timeout after 15 seconds and the pop up window.

Would the status then go back to “Report submitted…” if you change a field back so they all matched again?

Yeah … .I was kind of all over the place with that second part. Sorry about that.