Residential Delivery Indicator for Customers

How can we have Epicor query a Residential Delivery Indicator & flag an address as residential? Our plan would be to add a surcharge to LTL ship via’s if the address is residential to cover our extra freight surcharge. We use Insite Manifest currently, and will likely upgrade to Quick Ship Pro this winter… We also use Avalara which does its own street address validation.

Close, but not the same: Residential error - #13 by Mark_Wonsil

I also found this: What is RDI, and Where Can I Find It? - Smarty


UPS has an API for this, not sure what it would take to make this functional for you…

Epicor has a check box on both the customer and the shipto to indicate the address as a Residential delivery. You can use that and query it. It is under Manifest info->General

Vinay Kamboj

@bderuvo Bryan - Thanks. I was hoping there was something out of the box that just works. Good to know that is there if we need to develop a connection to the API.

@kfierce - Any chance the new QuickShipPro 5.1 does this as part of rate shopping? We’re on Manifest 4.0.x and hoping to upgrade sometime in the next 6 months.

Avalara does address validation for us, but I don’t see anything in the Tax Connect Results boxes for that… Does anyone have a contact there that would know if that’s in the data set we can tie in?

@Vinaykamboj - I think this field is manually entered. We’re looking to mistake proof it and have it be automatic. Back up plan (if we can’t automate it) is to have a pop-up at Customer Entry & Order Entry to prompt our salespeople to ask the customer…

Integrating with the UPS API is pretty easy. I added address validation, name validation, phone number validation, zip code validation, all to a single external DLL. Use that in all sorts of places to make data shaped the way we want. You can validate those addresses via BPM pre proc in various areas and notify if what UPS returns is different from what you have and approve or change. Lots of options with BPM forms involved.

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@jgiese.wci - Thanks! Looks like we’re going down the API path. FedEx is our primary parcel carrier, along with some LTL, and they have their API here: FedEx | System Down. We do quite a bit of LTL with XPO as well, and I sent them an email.

Also found, but no cost is listed. I’m assuming using the FedEx/UPS/XPO API is no charge.

QuickShipPro 5.1 (Insite Manifest) does NOT get that data. Not sure why, since it seems like something everyone would need. They pointed me to Avalara, which also does not have the RDI as part of their address validation output unfortunately…

We’ve got our quarterly EUG meeting today, so I’ll check in there as well. Thanks again!