Resource Capacity History?

We have an issue with capacity on a few of our resources at this time, and the manager was looking for a way to look back in history to see how long this has been going on. Is there a report, or something that I could build to retrieve this information? What they would like to see is how many hours, in monthly buckets, have been scheduled on a certain resource from 2013 to now.

I told the manager that I didn’t think this could be done, but thought I would reach out to the experts.


I don’t believe you can find what was scheduled. You can determine what was used by looking at the timecards and then adding any current queue and move times, but that would be the limits.



Thanks for the reply. That is what I thought, but I wanted to make sure.


BTW, it is what I used to do to determine Burden rates. Determine what the utilization was and then use that to calculate burden for each resource/group.
