Resource Scheduling Board - Why doesn't operation move to where I place it?


I am trying to understand the Resource Scheduling Boards. I keep seeing behaviour like below:

I drag and drop an operation to a new date. In the slide-over panel, “Operation Only” is selected under Move Options. I click OK. For some reason the operation then moves to a completely different date and I have no idea why. The resource calendar has sufficient available hours and no exceptions have been set up… I can’t see any reason for why the operation jumps several days later.

Does anyone know what might be affecting this please? Thank you.

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Likely this operation is constrained by either materials or the other operations surrounding it. When you move the operation make sure you select “Override Constraints” and see if that helps.

Thanks @tschmahl,

Ticked ‘Override material constraints’ and still got the same issue.

If the Move Option is set to “Operation Only”, should that not disregard prior and subsequent operations, or have I misinterpreted this?


Yeah, Op Only will disregard other ops on the job and let you schedule ops out of order. If you have finite capacity or other constraints, those will still apply unless you override them.

Hello ZanebK,

Did you find a solution for moving a single job operation ( using move option “operation only” and override material constraints and finite unchecked ). We recently migrated to Kinetic 2023.2 and when applying the mentioned options all job operations move to a different date/time in job/resource scheduling board instead of the selected/moved operation only …

( in Epicor 10 we could easily move a single job operation wihout moving the other job operations ( preceding or subsequent ) )

Appreciate any feedback !

I’m looking for advice on the same issue. When selecting “Move Operation” it seems to move all operations for that particular job, rather than just the one selected. Could anyone provide guidance on this please?

Hi Robert,

We solved the issue in Kinetic 2023.2 by unchecking “Minimize WIP” in “Scheduling Priority Code Maintenance”
