I’m playing around with the REST API explorer (starting from https://<E10HOSTNAME>/<ENVNAME>/api/help/v1/) to see if I can update the Min On-Hand for a part.
I’ve tried this two ways, from …/api/help/v1/methods/Erp.BO.PartSvc/index#!/Custom_methods/Update where I supplied Part.Company, Part.PartNum, PartPlant.WarehouseCode, and PartPlant.MinimumQty all wrapped in a top-level “ds” a per the example. I basically just copied the example value and deleted out the irrelevant fields. When I clicked the “Try it out!” button I got a 200 response code with some headers not giving me any idea if anything had been done, but when I update the part in Epicor the Min On-Hand did not change.
I also tried as well as from …/api/help/v1/odata/Erp.BO.PartSvc/index#!/OData/updateExt_PartWhse, providing all the required fields (it wasn’t clear if I needed to supply quotes around them so I tried it both ways but it seems as long as they were single quote or not quotes it was the same thing) along with the input field where I provided the MinimumQty. In this case I got a 204 response, which again is documented as being “No Content. Operation is successful.” but again when I refreshed the part in the Epicor client, the old Min On-Hand was still displayed.
Any idea what I’m doing wrong?