REST Services V2

Hi Everyone

has anyone used REST services V2?
I am trying to execute REST services from POSTMAN/.NET using the api-key but it doesn’t work HOWEVER if I use the same URL in a web browser it works.

if use REST services v1 with basic authentication, I can use them by using POSTMAN, Web Browser and .NET

this is an example of my URL

thanks for your help

There are a few questions that have been asked about V2 in the forum already. Please check that out

I can’t speak to POSTMAN, but Excel’s ODATA driver is incompatible with V2 as it interprets the API Key differently from the way Epicor uses it. Epicor tells you to disable the need for the API key in the config file, but if you are on SaaS , they will not edit the config file for you so you are out of luck.

Not sure if your symptom is related

after try several time and research on internet, I just arrived to the conclusion that I still need to use the Basic Authentication and api-key for REST V2.
Using POSTMAN, try to use the same structure as my URL, you will get the following

401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.

then go to Authentication and add your user and password and you will be able to get the result

now, if you remove the api-key from the URL


you will receive the following error

{“message”:“Access denied: Rest calls must pass a valid API Key”}

so, my conclusion is … REST V2 needs both authentications

the funny thing is that if you execute the following structure in your browser, it works


in addition, this is the code for .NET that I am using, if you have a more elegant way to do it, please let me know

var defaultRequetHeaders = HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders; defaultRequetHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(“Basic”, authUserPwd); HttpResponseMessage response = await HttpClient.GetAsync(webApiUrl);


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@erzt23 You’re correct Rest v2 requires both an authorized login and an api key. Currently api keys do not map to user accounts though we may add a second api key type that does that in the future for service <-> service integrations.


Yea currently the API key isn’t really a security mechanism. More of a way to limit the scope of what objects a client can get access to once you have the credentials.

Not to be picky, but there’s authentication and authorization and both are required for security. First I need to know who you are (authentication) then I can control what you do (authorization). You really need both for security. The API-KEY improves the authorization over what is available prior to 10.2.400. Mapping API-KEYS to users or user groups would definitely give even finer control to authorization.


Team, I am having issues with V2. I can get data with the V1 URL, but not with V2. I get a 500 - Internal Server Error.

What’s on the EventViewer (server side)?

Bummer. That, I do not have access to at this point. They will stick with V1 until we get this resolved, so it isn’t an urgent thing at this point.

You might want to check out cData. They have an Epicor oData driver that we’ve used because Epicor’s native driver has so many compatibility issues with the standards, especially the SaaS hosted environments.

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I ran into the same issue, the event log was not too explanatory.

The detail shows

It got me thinking. The documentation is a bit vauge about access scope, so just in case it was a situation where no access scope is equivalent to deny all, I tried to create an access scope for all, but got the spinner of death when I tried to add all services.

I then tried recreating the API key, just in case I copied it incorrectly, and recycled the APP pool, That appeared to work.

In summary I ended up

  1. Delete and recreate a new API key (only populating the keyid, name and decription leaving all other options as default.
  2. Recycling the app pool
  3. Applying the api-key into an environment variable in Postman and included basic authentication using an account that is not setup for single sign on.

To validate that I had things configured in postman correctly I executed the request using the Swagger REST API v2 web page on the app server.

I hope that helps.

The URL format is a little different for v2. From your screenshot it looks like you are using the v1 URL format, and changed v1 to v2.

v1: https://{Server}/{Instance}/api/v1/Erp.BO.CustomerSvc/Customers
v2: https://{Server}/{Instance}/api/v2/odata/{CompanyID}/Erp.BO.CustomerSvc/Customers

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So then what is the purpose of api-key if you can reach the same data without api-key only with basic authorization? I was thinking to use api-key and access scope, but if it still asks for basic auth as additional then access scope becomes usless. Or I am incorect? I am talking about excel odata feed in this case.

Username and Password is Authentication
API Key + Scopr is Authorization

Is a small but important distinction

Username and Passwors establishes who you are to the system and API Key + Access scope determines what you can access in the system

Which is why you need them both together


Hi everyone, How I can connect Version 2 with a component OData from SSIS?
MY connection is with Basic Authentication, but I dont jknow how setup url from REST Version 2, the collect cant fill the list.