Rma baq


I have been tasked with creating a BAQ to extract information about RMA’s. I am having trouble finding the columns for the following:

  • Who Created the RMA (not who changed it)
  • Date Items Returned to our company (not receipt)
  • Work Order Number
  • Year
  • Completion Date or Date Returned to Customer

I have been using Field Help to find the columns.

Additionally, I need the Sales Order Number but any phrase I attach to the OrderDtl generates this error: “Severity: Error, Text: Bad SQL statement.”

Thank you!

If someone could share a BAQ that resembles the above id be interested :grimacing:

Most of what you’re looking for aren’t fields available in the RMA tables.

Not sure what your level of use or Epicor knowledge is but you may want to look into creating UD fields in the RMA tables to try to accomplish capturing this data for future RMAs.

As far as linking issue in your BAQ, you’d have to post some screenshots of your BAQ for example show us the query phrase.