Sales Forecast

epicor version 9.05.701

Is there a facility or module to buy to do sales forecasting within epicor?

I believe the CRM module allows for sales quota (bugdet) entry.

Is that what you are looking for?

There is part level forecast entry built into the base for planning purposes.



I do believe there is a third party module called sales forecast pro also…


Dear Mark, @Rowley150

It’s possible to make a monthly forecast job. You can make it Firm and Engineered, but not Released. What you’re forecasting for the upcoming 12 months, then, would be 12 forecasting “jobs” numbered with date codes implying the year and month. The assemblies of the forecasting job will be the actual products that you forecast you’ll need to make in your shop. If you do this, MRP will plan and schedule manufacturing job projections, but they won’t become firm until they are re-created pursuant to firm sales order releases. That way you’ll have the materials you need on hand to manufacture a given period of time’s manufacturing jobs.

Each month, one forecasting job gets deleted, and replaced by the firm orders you’ll receive, which will vary some from the quantities and product mix that was forecast.


There is also Forecast Entry which is part of MRP. You can load in customer sales forecasts by date to help plan purchasing and production. It is not as flexible as Forecast Pro, but it does the basics pretty well.

Just testing out the forecast behind MRP,

  1. Do you know where we get the software for “forecast pro” or “smart forecast import”?
  2. After MRP has been ran what areas exactly are updated? first glance it appeared Time Phase updated and if i generate suggestions then go into New PO suggestions it seemed to put quantities into there too.


bit of a bizarre one…
i put in a forecast, ran MRP, went to time-phrase and data relating to the forecast was generated.
I then went to “new po suggestion” and the part appeared there (after i had ran generate suggesions).

Now when i go back into new po suggestion, the part is no longer there?
very odd.

I guess what i’m wanting to know is what is the entire process?
So, after generating a forecast on a part …then run MRP,…then what will i expect to find and where?

Check with your Epicor CAM for Forecast Pro. I’m not sure if it’s an Epicor product or just one they integrate with.

When you enter a forecast and run MRP, you’d get the same result as if you’d entered a sales order for that part in that quantity with that ship date… so if it were a manufactured part with a BOM, you’d get a Job suggestion to build it and purchase suggestions to buy the materials (unless they were already in stock).

NOTE: were not allowed to purchase the demand module from Epicor as were on E9 and they’ve stopped selling modules for E9 from the end of March this year.