Sales order DMT Error

I am trying to load a sales order via DMT but the OrderQty field and DocUnitPrice fields both load at 0 and cause the UI to crash.
Has anybody had this issue before?

Order Combined or Order Line?

Proper UOMs?

When you say ‘proper’, what do you mean? :slight_smile:
The parts have correct UOMs set up.

DMT is notorious bugs in updates. Try a previous version.

Are you experienced with DMT? I don’t want to talk down to you, or over your head.

Try using this field OrderDtl#DspUnitPrice in the DMT.
We had issue in our previous version where its uploaded but not showing the value.
But no UI carsh.
We re-uploaded with this field it worked fine.

Yes, I have been using it for 10 year. Not seen this problem before though.

Thanks, I will try that field