Our team is frustrated that if they set the Ship By Date prior to setting the Due at Cust date, the Ship By Date they just entered gets changed. It looks like Epicor is trying to calculate the Ship By Date for us, but it’s not calculating it correctly. Is there a way to “fix” this so it doesn’t change the Ship By Date to an incorrect date when Due at Cust is changed?
By default in Order Entry, the Need By date (default name for the field) is presented first on the form as that is (typically) the date the customer will tell you. From that date the Ship By date is generated. There are fields on the Customer and Customer ShipTo tables where you can designate a “delivery days” value that Epicor will use to generate your Ship By date from (by default that value is 0). Whenever you enter a Need By date, Epicor will look for the appropriate Delivery Days value and generate a new Ship By date.
That is default functionality. If your process is for your sales people to enter the Ship By date first and the Need By date second, you’re going to run into this issue. With no other information that what you already said, perhaps they should consider entering the Need By date first, and then overwriting whatever is generated for the Ship By date with the one they want to use.
@Ernie how “smart” is delivery days, does it look at the ship via and dynamically figure out delivery days(e.g. if it’s overnight shipping vs ground to the other side of the continent that’s a big difference in number of days) or is this a static number of days(I wouldn’t understand the value in this)?
From the system help:
Delivery Days
Specifies the number of days required to ship a part quantity from your manufacturing center to this customer’s location. The Epicor applications uses the date interval as a buffer to calculate Ship By Dates when you use the Need By date type (as specified in the Date Type field).
Note: This parameter only applies to calculation of Need By dates for orders that are generated by the Demand Management module. It does not apply calculation of Need By dates for orders that are directly entered into Sales Order Entry.
The manner in which it uses the specified delivery days factor for the delivery date calculation is dependent on the setting of the Consider Working Days in the Delivery Dates Calculation check box for the associated company in the Company Maintenance > Modules > Sales > Demand sheet.
If the Consider Working Days in the Delivery Dates Calculation check box has been selected, this factor represents actual working days. To calculate a Ship By date for an order line, the Epicor application subtracts this factor from the Need By date designated in a demand schedule received from the ship to customer trading partner, taking into consideration any dates that are designated as non-working days in the associated site calendar.
If the Consider Working Days in the Delivery Dates Calculation check box has been cleared, this factor represents delivery days. To calculate a Ship By date, the Epicor application subtracts this factor from the Need By date designated in a demand schedule received from the ship to customer trading partner, and then determines if the calculated Ship By date is a working day.