Sales Order History Report


While a report may be more of what you need, I currently utilize BPM's to e-mail specific users when changes to SO are made, whether it be change in quantity, price, both, or just a canceled order. Let me know if you'd like to talk about this if it seems like something you'd be interested in.


--- In, Robert Brown <robertb_versa@...> wrote:
> Enable appropriate fields (for ONLY what you are interested in as there is some app slow down from change log overhead) in orderhed, orderdtl & orderrelease for change log tracking and then leverage that info. Just be aware that if you DELETE a record, the change history for that specific record is also deleted. (Not well thought out by Epicor.)
> ÂÂ
> It may prove to be crude reporting - but perhaps good enough for now (and is an opportunity to buy time, learn, and provide an improved 'phase II" report process in the future).
> ÂÂ
> Rob
> --- On Fri, 5/21/10, PaulS <psiebers@...> wrote:
> From: PaulS <psiebers@...>
> Subject: [Vantage] Sales Order History Report
> To:
> Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 3:06 PM
> ÂÂ
> Has anyone ever done a report that lists Sales Order activity by line an release? I am looking for something that shows any changes to order quantity by line and release and date.
> I thought I had it nailed by joining some book and order tables but I am getting results that reflect a lot of debit and credits probably made by Vantage in the background, but I can't find a way to filter out the systems noise since all of this seems also tied to the BookDTL.DCDUserID.
> Really all I want is a SO update reports that lists the changes over a period. Or am I the first one ever in Vantage history that is looking for this info?
> Thanks!
> Paul
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Has anyone ever done a report that lists Sales Order activity by line an release? I am looking for something that shows any changes to order quantity by line and release and date.

I thought I had it nailed by joining some book and order tables but I am getting results that reflect a lot of debit and credits probably made by Vantage in the background, but I can't find a way to filter out the systems noise since all of this seems also tied to the BookDTL.DCDUserID.

Really all I want is a SO update reports that lists the changes over a period. Or am I the first one ever in Vantage history that is looking for this info?


Enable appropriate fields (for ONLY what you are interested in as there is some app slow down from change log overhead) in orderhed, orderdtl & orderrelease for change log tracking and then leverage that info. Just be aware that if you DELETE a record, the change history for that specific record is also deleted. (Not well thought out by Epicor.)
It may prove to be crude reporting - but perhaps good enough for now (and is an opportunity to buy time, learn, and provide an improved 'phase II" report process in the future).

--- On Fri, 5/21/10, PaulS <psiebers@...> wrote:

From: PaulS <psiebers@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Sales Order History Report
Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 3:06 PM


Has anyone ever done a report that lists Sales Order activity by line an release? I am looking for something that shows any changes to order quantity by line and release and date.

I thought I had it nailed by joining some book and order tables but I am getting results that reflect a lot of debit and credits probably made by Vantage in the background, but I can't find a way to filter out the systems noise since all of this seems also tied to the BookDTL.DCDUserID.

Really all I want is a SO update reports that lists the changes over a period. Or am I the first one ever in Vantage history that is looking for this info?



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]