Scheduled tasks gone after first run

Trying to schedule a few different reports to run daily and after they run the first time they drop from the task agent?

Dumb Question: Are you using the recurring checkbox?

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WOW… I am just gonna go back home for the day. I have never noticed that there until now.


Hey at least it was a simple answer :laughing:

My eyes actually must have completely ignored it because it was next to the archive drop down and not the schedule.

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I’m having the same issue but I don’t have the “recurring” option, not sure if its because this is not a “regular” process:

Do you have anything in the schedule drop down?


Yes I have a few that we created for this specific purpose:

The only thing I can think of then, is that this isn’t intended to be a recurring process. Better off to go figure out what the root cause of your issue to to make you need to run that all of the time.

Could you add your custom process to a process set? Schedule Process Set does have the recurring checkbox.

Seems you are correct, I was looking at the System Management > Rebuilt Processes > Finance & Mfg / Distribution processes are the only ones you can’t select to be recurring; but the rest of the other ones they are.
Interesting… :thinking:
Thanks a lot

Good call, let me take a look