Script Editor Extremely Slow and Hangs on Clipboard Operations (Paste, Undo...)

I thought I was going crazy yesterday. Some of the more panicked Control Zs of the year

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Letā€™s just say there have been a few issues the last few weeks. :rofl:

I donā€™t see any issues of why it would have to be though.

The way he setup the graphana stuff uses direct SQL. But it could easily be replaced with some REST call.s

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Until the more recent versions using REST wasnā€™t practical. Calling BAQs and getting data with the JSON plugin is viable now. You have to learn JSONPath though and Grafanaā€™s imposed limits on its use (namely expressions)

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Both of those are :fire: .

Think Iā€™m about to steal the Google Maps one.
Working on something for our transportation department now, and that would
put it over the top.


No more new projects until you finish whats on your plate :laughing:

Weā€™re on Public Cloud and I donā€™t have access to the RO sql db, so Iā€™d need to pull everything through REST. Would I be able to just create a BAQ with all the data I wanted to pull and then call that every 5-10 seconds to update my Grafana visuals?


I have limited experience with Grafana, followed a few guides to deploy it in docker and import some dashboards, and my only Epicor experience has been in my current role where Iā€™ve handled the IT parts for our implementation & now operations since we launched in January.

I have no experience with it, but @josecgomez just said it was possible.

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I would assume you could call a function as well @Jwowk.hpne .

Might make it easier to shape the data the way you need it.