SCRs Blank Title 100091

From Epicor: (Is the third paragraph epicor speak for "it doesn't work at the moment, but we're pushing it out anyway. Test it for us?")

I am pleased to announce that Epicor is now providing visibility into our Software Change Request (SCR) tracking system for Epicor ERP (Epicor 9) with a feature called the "Customer Matrix Viewer." We made a commitment to our customers to provide this access and I am delighted to deliver on that commitment.

The purpose of this site is to provide you with Web-based access to a listing of SCRs addressed in previous service packs and patches, as well as SCRs planned for future releases. This will help you plan your upgrades and go-live strategy for Epicor 9 with more insight into your specific requirements, risks, and issue resolutions.
The SCR list is available to you at (The Customer Matrix Viewer utilizes our own products Enterprise Search and Epicor Replication Server products to deliver this customer facing functionality.) You can search by SCR Number, Module, Description, Release Number, and other fields to help you quickly find relevant information. Before using this tool, I recommend reviewing the short how-to guide.

Recognizing this is the first release of this listing, there is room for improvement and we are already embarking on a Phase II deliverable, but we felt it was essential to release the Phase I deliverable now, as a service to the large number of customers in various stages of implementing and upgrading Epicor 9.

I look forward to your feedback as you start to use the listing. Review the short how-to guide before using this tool. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me or anyone on my Product Management team.