Hello users, I’m using Epicor 10 to check availability for a build, but it included quantity shipped to an external bin.
How do I exclude this bin from being part of the availability qty yet still actively usable elsewhere?
Hello users, I’m using Epicor 10 to check availability for a build, but it included quantity shipped to an external bin.
How do I exclude this bin from being part of the availability qty yet still actively usable elsewhere?
Welcome to the funhouse!
Like all other computer programs, Epicor is great with “always” and “never”… and it really sucks at “sometimes”. If you want your inventory quantity to be available only "sometimes’, then you’ll probably have to create your own reporting (or process) to do what you want when you want it.
That said, if you can be a little more specific on where you “check availabililty”, how your “external bin” is set up, and what “actively usable elseswhere” means, we can probably help you down the appropriate paths.