Serial Mask Not Updating Year


Quick question regarding serial masks. I have a serial mask that is supposed to print the 2-digit year and 6 numbers after. However, the 2-digit year is not updating for the new year. How do I update this, is it based on a Calendar?


What does the Mask look like in Serial Mask Maintenance?

Edit: Everything I originally wrote here was WRONG and I need to read more documentation.

Since V8, I have used date logic. From the help:

I’m with Ken, what does the mask look like? Was it hardcoded or did it use the substitution characters?

Neat. Didn’t know that. I hope to never use it.

One thing to note: don’t expect the counter to roll over at period changes! It just keeps on going…

It looks like ######

So, someone didn’t use the placeholder and just started the counter at 2300001.

Try changing it to:


Again, note that the counter will NOT reset to 1 and it won’t (at least didn’t) let us roll it back manually.

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Thanks for the fix!