Server file upload, broke after latest upgrade (Saas)

Had this in place for about a year now, never any issues until the upgrade this past weekend.

Have a function that follows this from @klincecum

now it’s not writing the file, and if I test run the function with the rest helper I get this from my trace I implemented:

Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\Server\\Server\\ChangeForms\\ChangeForm.eml'

I am using SpecialData.UserData for the folder type/name.

Does that path make sense when I’m Saas?
And why isn’t “UserData” part of the path ?

I created a support ticket already but just reaching out in case others have ideas

Thanks, Scott

They changed the way it works a bit. I can show you later.

this now returns only relative path, that is why it goes to the default wwwroot subfolder instead.


okay, thanks, but is there a way to stop the error and accomplish the file write ?

Internally it is rewritten something like

string userDataPath = PathHelper.GetFolderPath(Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.UserData); 
string absoluteFileName = Path.Join(userDataPath, FileName);

Also, add using Ice.Lib; to the usings.

But I myself did not try it in BPM/functions. Here @klincecum should already know better :slight_smile:


yes, hopefully @klincecum can poke it with a stick also, he’s great at that.

I should add, I see from my trace that the path is relative because all I get back when I use the service to get the path is “ChangeForms” (the name of my folder in UserData folder), and all I do is append the filename and write the data…simple…

But the exception it’s throwing gives the longer full path :thinking:


I’ve already got it figured out and done somewhere, but I’m about half useless today.

I’ll drag my ass up tomorrow and show it.

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@klincecum isn’t that what this is ?

that’s what I based my function code on that’s been working for over a year andit sudden;y broke after the upgrade :face_with_thermometer:

It’s what that was. :rofl:

The new code won’t be much different.

What is the path you would like to write to?

I am trying to write to Server/UserData/ChangeForms

Below is my code, been working for over a year

   CallService<Ice.Contracts.ServerPathSvcContract>(serverPathSvc =>
       List<Ice.Lib.ServerPath.Types.PathInfo> pathInfo = new List<Ice.Lib.ServerPath.Types.PathInfo>();
       addToResult("Created pathInfo List");
       Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder baseFolderType;
       // there are other folder types available in the enum
       switch (iBaseFolder)
          case "Report":
             baseFolderType = Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.Report;
          case "UserData":
             baseFolderType = Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.UserData;
          case "CompanyData":
             baseFolderType = baseFolderType = Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.CompanyData;
          case "Admin":
             baseFolderType = Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.Admin;
             baseFolderType = Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.UserData;
       // this will this create the sub folder if it doesn't exist
       pathInfo = serverPathSvc.GetPaths(baseFolderType, iSubFolder, false);
       foreach (var onePath in pathInfo)
           addToResult("Path found: " + onePath.FullName);
           string path = $"{pathInfo.First().FullName}\\";

           path += iFileName;
           // File.WriteAllText(path, iBuffer);
           // changed to writing all bytes because if buffer contains ", string is ended and email missing info
           byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(iBuffer);
           File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);
           addToResult("Wrote text");
catch (Exception ex)
   oSuccess = false;
   oMessage = "Error creating file: " + ex.Message;
   if (ex.InnerException != null)
       oMessage += " / " + ex.InnerException.Message;

I have a ticket open, feedback so far has been there might be a problem on their side,
the exception that is thrown says:

Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\Server\\Server\\ChangeForms\\ChangeForm.eml

see where is says \Server\Server ? that should be \Server\UserData

Ok I’ll get ya fixed up.

There is no “problem” server side. They changed the way it works.

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so to each of your case statement you add something like

with specific enum value

and after all you do Path.Combine(basePath, [path you have already])

But what is “PathHelper” object, I think because you’re looking at internal code as you mentioned I don’t have access to that ?

In the Ice.Lib.ServerPathSvc that I have access to it only has “GetPaths” and “ServerDirectoryExists” endpoints to call

see above, you should add using Ice.Lib.

This code works fine for me from BPM

var baseFolderType = Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.UserData;
var userDataPath = Ice.Lib.PathHelper.GetFolderPath(Epicor.ServiceModel.Utilities.SpecialFolder.UserData); 

var absoluteFileName = System.IO.Path.Join(userDataPath, "subfoldername/anothername/file.ext"); 

throw new Exception(absoluteFileName);

It throws full path:


ok, sounds promising, about to give it a try, thx

yep, that appears to work, thanks !
marking as solution