Service Connect - How To Backup?

Good afternoon all,

I am currently building a Service Connect solution that involves multiple Workflows. As this thing grows bigger, I become more nervous of losing it. I haven’t been able to find a way to back this up (the workflows and conversions at least). Does anyone know of a way to backup individual Workflows, or a Workflow package and/or the conversions involved?

Thank you.

Typically you would go to Connectivity and right click and select Backup. This will automatically select everything. Important to NOT include .NET references. Also check “Allow deselection of dependencies”. Back this up to the server that you want to hold it on. You can also get more specific on certain workflows if you desire. Do this by unchecking the Connectivity Settings node. Then, you can pick whatever you want to backup.
It’s also recommended to back up your backup location to SVN.

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Don’t forget to backup your ESC SQL related databases and logs regularly also.


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Yes, definitely a good idea to run this backup process manually (don’t believe there is any way to automate it?) BEFORE and AFTER any major changes/additions to your workflows. It has definitely saved my bacon (where’s a decent bacon emoji when you need it?) :pig: more than once! :cold_sweat: :+1:

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Nailed it! Thank you sir!


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