Sharepoint Certificate Thumbprint for attachments

Trying to switch file attachments to sharepoint. We use 0365. I was able to figure out the directory ID and application ID but I cannot seem to figure out where I get the Sharepoint Certificate Thumbprint.

Can someone point me in the direction on where I can get it?

I read the application help and didn’t see anything in there.

For some reason this documentation is still not in online help (it is somewhere in pdf on EpicCare).

You need to create or take an existing certificate and add it into AAD application you created and into Digital Certificate Store UI in Kinetic. Thumbprint from it will be in the combo for SharePoint online.

The simplest way is to use Digital Certificate Store menu action to generate self-sign certificate. It will save .cer file locally for you, then you import this cer file in AAD.

Followed this: Create a self-signed public certificate to authenticate your application - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Learn

I setup everything in app registrations on Added the certificate to the app registration.

Added the cert/key to Epicor.

Now I get this error when I test the connection. Unsure what I’m missing.

You are missing permissions for your application in AAD. What permission did you set?

Just added them now. Didn’t know it was needed but makes sense. Still getting that error though.

You have Delegated, but they must have Application type and approved by Azure Adminstrator.



It’s working now! Thank you.

Question though. What folder will it store the files in sharepoint? Main directory?

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what you specified in Attachment Type UI.
It creates subfolder there for each company

Unless something changed, it was a folder per company. Underneath that one will be a folder for each object (OrderHed, JobHead, etc.), which is where the documents are stored.


Thank you both! we’re working now!

This place is amazing isn’t it?

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It is cause it saved me! Documentation wasn’t there on it. Kinda but not really.