Thought I’d be nice and share my last 60 hours worth of work, nearly 1300 lines of code…

Look at all that code. /s But wow, 60 hours?!
Not bad - averaging like 2.7 hours per line
That includes stupid stuff too though like spec, design, supporting BAQs
Your GUI is waaaaay prettier than mine. But how bout those 17,000 lines of code - Jesus!
I don’t develop in Epicors GUI it would crash plus I miss all my special nifty plugins Plus alot of comments for me its still haven’t changed to VS Code. Writing comments in this manner allow me to return my self-documentation tools like but thats only because I came from open-source and haven’t embraced any Microsoft Auto Doc Tools.
You should try a Text Editor Instead [Old Sshot during E9 Conversion]
Sublime Text is the better editor without print capability. $80 perpetual license for ANY and EVERY machine you run it on (Windows/Mac/Linux). It’s licensed to the developer. Very powerful. I will never use all of its capability.
Mark W.
VS Code drove me from sublime, most of the same features much more powerful IMO
You’re right @josecgomez. I can see succumbing to VS Code for .Net work. I think the Test Suite capability might put me over the edge…
Mark W.
For any language really I use it for node and php works great, the plugin architecture is amazing and their new live code sharing feature is out of this frigging world. Share your live code with a co-worker, or friend both of you work on it at the same time (ala Google Docs)
Pretty swanky
25 points for using swanky in a tech forum.
So how does one use sublime or vs code in place of the Epicor code editor when doing customizations?
For me its CTRL + A + C then CTRL + V into Sublime… Do some work… then CTRL + A + C and then CTRL +V into Epicor and Compile via F5.
Typically just a back and forth Copy/Paste, once you do it for a few minutes, you become very efficient at it.
Like Haso said, copy/paste.
However, it would be cool if these editors had plugins with the ability to “check” the code out of Epicor (into source control), modify it and test it (unit/integration tests), then check-in (source control) and “deploy” it back into Epicor.
A cool trick that I’d like to see Epicor do is a way to share common code among the whole system, like UD Methods from Configurator except for the entire system. No more custom DLLs to maintain and code reuse throughout the system.
Just a thought…
Mark W.
and intellisense and auto complete work with the Epicor assemblies?
Visual Studio for sure (have to add references tho) and apparently VS Code too:
I would wager there’s a Sublime Text plugin for .Net assembly autocomplete as well.
Mark W.
But why use VS Code if you already have Visual Studio? (And since you can get VS Community for free…why ever?)
This thread is a perfect example of how it is confusing for product management to decide on jumping in with both feet on any particular ide. Choose anything and you disappoint 2/3s of the audience.
Because VS code is super light weight , quick and has support for a lot more languages, platforms and plugins. VCode is an Editor while VS is an IDE
While VS Community is free for many, the actual terms are:
If you are an enterprise, your employees and contractors may not use the software to develop or test your applications, except for: (i) open source; (ii) Visual Studio extensions; (iii) device drivers for the Windows operating system; and, (iv) education purposes as permitted above.
An “enterprise” is any organization and its affiliates who collectively have either (a) more than 250 PCs or users or (b) one million U.S. dollars (or the equivalent in other currencies) in annual revenues, and “affiliates” means those entities that control (via majority ownership), are controlled by, or are under common control with an organization.
So our company, which licenses VS because we also write software for our own product, CANNOT use VS for free. VS Code is open source and follows typical Open Source rules and like Sublime Text, it runs on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
To @Bart_Elia’s point, the choice of an IDE is a bit of a religious topic. Before you know it, we’re arguing tabs vs spaces or which line the ‘{’ should go on. What Epicor COULD do is make the editing portion plugable. When there is code editing, pass the code chunk to an Editor of choice (including the current editor which has some nice built-in testing features) and upon save from the external editor, verify the code and return to the customization environment. There are currently several different code editing methods within Epicor (UD-Method, BPMs, Customization, Electronic Interfaces, and eventually Kinetic customization of some kind) and having a plugable architecture would provide a way to create a single editing method across all these places and maybe provide some Source Control integration. Hint. Hint.
Mark W.