Shift Report to share?

Just in case anyone has a base rpt that can get me started, per shift this is some of the info we are looking for

Setup Efficiency % :: (Sched Op time / Actual Labor) OpCode S
Run Efficiency % :: (Sched Op time / Actual Labor ) OpCode P
Net Effective LBs / Hr :: ((Total issued LBs paper - Total Pieces Produced (Net Wt.)) / Shift Hours)
Net Effective Bags / Hr :: (Total Pieces Produced / Shift Hours)
Good Quantity :: (Total Pieces Produced)
Scrap Quantity :: (Total issues LBs Paper - Net Effective LBs)
Crewed Time :: (Total Direct Labor) OpCode P
Non-Crewed DownTime :: (Total InDirect Labor) OpCode S
Actual Setup :: (Total Actual InDirect Labor) No-Downtime Code OpCode S
Standard Setup :: (Total Est InDirect Labor)
Actual Run :: (Total Actual Direct Labor)
Standard Run :: (Total Est Direct Labor)

Otherwise if someone has recommendation on which tables I will all need...? I find the same kind of data in several different tables, but I end up with duplicate record type issues in a BAQ report. Not sure where to start.

--- In, "jgiese1988" <jgiese@...> wrote:
> Does anyone have a shift report that offers similar information to the attached that they would be willing to share? This is for my own company using metrics examples from another company (the attached), not for consulting.
Does anyone have a shift report that offers similar information to the attached that they would be willing to share? This is for my own company using metrics examples from another company (the attached), not for consulting.