Shipping and invoicing against a sales order with MISC charges

over the past couple of weeks there has been an epiphany event going on in the sales department. they realized that a bunch of sales orders have been lingering around because they still have un-billed misc charges attached to them. the parts on these specific sales orders have been shipped and billed but not the charges (think setup, inspection, etc). from my understanding of epicor, this whole process goes as follows:

  1. the shipment is created, using all of the parts on the sales order
  2. the fulfilled SO (parts only) closes automatically once the packing slip is marked shipped
  3. accounting will now be notified (manually) of this shipment and generate an invoice against that SO.

But sometimes a case comes up where we aren’t actually shipping them ANY parts and just billing them for charges. our sales team will generate an SO and add in the misc charges and then create a packing slip for just the misc charges. Im not 100% sure on this but i dont think the sales order closes automatically in this situation since no physical parts were allocated.

i now have users coming to me saying " i thought an SO is closed once its invoiced, regardless of the fulfillment". which ive happily said i dont believe thats how its ever worked. if a sales order is closed with unfulfilled qtys, its voided with a zero dollar value. Anyway, i now have a meeting with the head of sales and accounting as well as our sales team to go over this and delegate who should be manually closing sales orders once these misc shipments are fulfilled.

So TLDR; how does epicor handle the SO/PackingSlip/Invoice relationship with an without MISC charges attached? when does an SO automatically close? will an invoice EVER close an SO on its own?

Shipments close the Order automatically when all lines and charges have been shipped.


you cant ship only a misc charge. misc charges on the header get tied to line item 1 and line charges are tied to their respective lines. make sure you have the setting on the charge correct, best practice is on first invoice.


@Joe_Tahan We have a non quantity bearing part misc charge that we use for this to be “shipped” by the CSR with the NRE, tooling, tariff charge so it can be invoiced with get shipments.

Otherwise you have to have accounting do the invoicing.

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so you have an SO for a part, with qty bearing unchecked, and a qty on that part with whatever misc charge(s) apply. So when you ship against that sales order, and accounting runs get invoices, the misc charge will come over? after speaking with accounting and sales a little more, it seems the problem stems from accounting simply missing the MISC charge because it didnt pull when they generate the invoices.

Is it as simple as duplicating all of our parts (the new one with Qty.Bearing=False) and attaching that part to the misc charges?

@Joe_Tahan You could duplicate them. We just have a few like NRE Charge, MISC Charge and then fake ship those and they show up in get shipments

@gpayne oh ok so you actually have parts named NRE Charge and MISC Charge and youll actually ship those as parts? do you make a separate sales order for those faux parts or are they on their own line instead of using misc charges?

@Joe_Tahan It is a mix. Accounting made the rules about which are done as lines and which are done as a miscellaneous charge and it relates to the GL controls on the miscellaneous charge and how he wanted them booked.

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how to duplicate ?
I am facing the same issue
please help

Can you please provide the brief description for it ?

Add a part MISC-CHARGE and make it non quantity bearing. Add that part to the sales order. Add the misc charge to that line or header of the sales order.

Ship the sales order line. Invoice the shipment.

there is nothing to ship for shipment no quantity in inventory,shipment can not create packingslip for that . than what happended?

That is why it is a non quantity bearing part. Do the steps as outlined and it will work.

so i have to create duplicate part and make quantity bearing= false and then make sales order and add the misc charge to that line or header, but how to ship the sales order because shipment can not generate the packingslip with no quantity

you can ship a quantity of 1 or any quantity because it is not quantity bearing Epicor won’t check if there are any on hand,