Shipping Workstation on Hand Helds

I have a data directive on shiphead table that will print a label when a packing slip is closed. The printer is determined based on the workstation used, three workstations in one area print to PRINTER1 and two in another print to PRINTER2

This works great when running through the Epicor client on a PC. However, I just found out that the users who need this also use a hand held to create shipments.

Is there a way to specify the workstation on the hand held client?

I believe you can default a user to a workstation.

But can the user change it? Even if it is something that can be specified in the config or shortcut? These users work in both areas so they need to move back in forth.
Although it is only a couple of users so if I can default it to a user that might work.

Is the data directive custom code? Sounds you should be able to adjust your code to get your desired results.

It first uses a conditional to determine the current Workstation (found in Session.WorkstationID) and if it is one of three different workstations it will go on to an autoprint function and send the Packing Label to printer1, and if it is not one of those it will go on to an autoprint function to the other printer.

Does this print out then as part of the false of the conditional? or does this not print at all on the handheld?

Currently it prints on the false condition because that is what it currently evaluates too, as we do not ship from the other workstations. Once implemented it would print on one printer for false and the second printer (different location) on the second.