For the Shop Load Report to reflect what you have in inventory, you
must have production jobs setup (engineered and scheduled) with
quanity links to your order releases and/or stock requirements
with "Pull from Stock" quanities entered for each link and for sub-
assemblies. The from stock quanities will be allocated against stock
(if item is a "stocked" item)and the production quanity will equal
your requirements quanity minus any pull from stock quanity. Then
your Load Report will be based on the actual production quanity.
Hope this helps.
Dan Gillespie
--- In, "lheisey3 <lheisey@m...>"
<lheisey@m...> wrote:
must have production jobs setup (engineered and scheduled) with
quanity links to your order releases and/or stock requirements
with "Pull from Stock" quanities entered for each link and for sub-
assemblies. The from stock quanities will be allocated against stock
(if item is a "stocked" item)and the production quanity will equal
your requirements quanity minus any pull from stock quanity. Then
your Load Report will be based on the actual production quanity.
Hope this helps.
Dan Gillespie
--- In, "lheisey3 <lheisey@m...>"
<lheisey@m...> wrote:
> I will try to make this question as concise as possible. We areinto
> looking to use the Shop Load report. However, it does not take
> account current stock in inventory and therefore reducing thebelieve
> quantity required to be produced. That in turn does not accurately
> reflect the proper planning for the upcoming day or week. We
> this report would be run daily based on the fact that theplanning
> requirements vary as well as the inventory in stock (already
> produced). Has anyone modified this report in such a way or does
> anyone have any suggestions how we can get this to suit our
> needs? Does anyone currently plan labor, etc. based on currentbe
> releases from their customers based on any report? Any help would
> fantastic. Thanks.