Show applied Credit Memos on AR Invoices

Hi Report Experts,

We are trying to show CMs that have been applied to an invoice on the invoice print. The AR team will create a new invoice and apply an existing CM to this invoice before it goes to the customer. Ideally, the customer would see the total invoice amount and then the applied CMs, followed by the amount owed. Basically the information that you would get from a statement.

It doesn’t look like this information is available in the Report Data Definition. Does anyone have an idea how I can pull this info into the AR Form?

Thanks for your help!

You have 2 options:

A) try to add the invoice header table (again) to the ARInvoice report data definition. You might have problems with the links on this one

B) create a data directive that populates the credit memo information you need on a udfield of the original AR invoice header table, then modify the base RDD to include this field on your report.