Show related material of Subcontract operation in sub con packing list


I would like to know how to create a report which shows the related material of a subcontract operation on a packing list.

The standard SSRS report shows the part that the subcontract operation is ending up as, but we need the related material to show on the picking list report. I know how to edit reports but not sure how to get to the related material table.

Thanks in advance!

You would join to the JobMtl table with the following fields:
JobOper.Company = JobMtl.Compnay
JobOper.JobNum = JobMtl.JobNum
JobOper.AssemblySeq = JobMtl.AssemblySeq
JobOper.OprSeq = JobMtl.RelatedOperation

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Hi Jason, thanks for the reply. Would this be done in a BAQ and then referenced by the report? Or can this all be done in the report?

All in the report is possible. Not sure about how it may affect performance.

Jason Woods

Brill, thank you!