You heard about Epicor Customizations to the MAX. Have you heard about Epicor Customizations to the EXTREME.
JUST FOR THE RECORD: I would probably not build Dashboards like this anymore, I can directly just use REST Nowadays and maybe use CEFSharp as a Wrapper to add more interaction. It has other USE Cases. BUT, Epicor is working on something like this to make things easier to develop! #woot.
I find Web Development to be much much easier than Software Development. Nowadays with everyone’s busy schedule it’s no secret that most just hunt for 3rd party plugins and Twitter Bootstrap Themes and slap something together in half a day.
I think its popular also within Phone Apps like Cordova or PhoneGap are usually just WebKit Wrappers to access the Android API while you design your App in HTML / CSS / Angular
And @Chris_Conn says Qt Framework is ewww =) #signals and #slots made me good amount of money when I was 19 =)
Yeah, I agree. For me is also easier Web Development (for the record, I learned everything from the internet, I am an industrial engineer). With REST and Javascript I created a very decent looking (matter of opinion I guess) dashboard that has several slides with different metrics and stuff.
Niceee!!! Now you can get CEFSharp (Chrome Rendering) or Just use Microsofts WinForms WebView (Explorer Rendering Engine) which always has its Quirks and add it to a Tab on an Entry Screen or Dashboard in Epicor and it will show-up =)
Let’s be honest lets say you want to add a Calendar to your UI, trust me in class Script {} it will be Hell, cant make it OO or anything.